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3 pcs Mo Reflective Mirrors Laser Lens Dia. 25mm / 0.98" THK 3mm for CO2 Laser Engraving and Cutting
  • 3 pcs Mo Reflective Mirrors Laser Lens Dia. 25mm / 0.98" THK 3mm for CO2 Laser Engraving and Cutting
  • 3 pcs Mo Reflective Mirrors Laser Lens Dia. 25mm / 0.98" THK 3mm for CO2 Laser Engraving and Cutting
  • 3 pcs Mo Reflective Mirrors Laser Lens Dia. 25mm / 0.98" THK 3mm for CO2 Laser Engraving and Cutting
  • 3 pcs Mo Reflective Mirrors Laser Lens Dia. 25mm / 0.98" THK 3mm for CO2 Laser Engraving and Cutting
  • 3 pcs Mo Reflective Mirrors Laser Lens Dia. 25mm / 0.98" THK 3mm for CO2 Laser Engraving and Cutting
  • 3 pcs Mo Reflective Mirrors Laser Lens Dia. 25mm / 0.98" THK 3mm for CO2 Laser Engraving and Cutting

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3 pcs Mo Reflective Mirrors Laser Lens Dia. 25mm / 0.98" THK 3mm for CO2 Laser Engraving and Cutting


Codigo del articulo:CS-RM-25-3-E

  • Precio Unitario : $ 12.72 - 14.97/pack   (Aviso de Descuento) (Tiempo entrega 8-15 días)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (packs) Descuento Amount/pack
      1. 1 0% $14.97
      2. 2 - 4 5% $14.22
      3. 5 - 20 10% $13.47
      4. 21 - 48 15% $12.72
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
  • Cantidad: pack(s) Costo Total : $14.97
  • Peso de Envio: 0.1lb (0.05kg) freightFlete

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Brand New, High Quality Reflective Mirror for CO2 Laser

Diameter: 25mm (0.98")
Thickness: 3 mm (0.12")
Material: Mo
Coating: No coated, just polished. 
Suitable for: 40-200W CO2 laser engraving & cutting machines

This optical element is used for planar reflecting the laser beam and is an important component of the laser system. 
The biggest advantage of molybdenum mirror is it has high damage threshold. So it can be used in some high power laser systems such as laser engraving machines and laser cutting machines.
As a kind of high quality molybdenum mirrors, it has high reflectance and low flatness. Using the high quality surface coating will protect the layer of molybdenum not to damage, and increases the molybdenum layer reflection efficiency.

Please look at the "About the optical path" PDF file to find more information about installation of the reflection mirror.

Mo reflective mirror can work under the strict environment; it has advantages of long using life, bearing high power, no need coating and scrub resistance. But its reflectivity is a little lower than Si mirror. Si reflective mirror have good optical thermal resistance, it is the most used mirror. Gold - plated Mo silicon mirror surface, improve the reflectivity.

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