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10ft Curved Pop Up Display-Magnetic Connections
  • 10ft Curved Pop Up Display-Magnetic Connections

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10ft Curved Pop Up Display-Magnetic Connections

   |   38 Transacciones

Codigo del articulo:SIC-LW-001

  • Precio Unitario : $ 369 - 434/set (Tiempo entrega 69-89 días)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (sets) Descuento Amount/set
      1. 1 - 4 0% $434
      2. 5 - 10 5% $412
      3. 11 - 24 10% $391
      4. 25 - 50 15% $369
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
    Local Pickup and Delivery Service
  • Por Favor Eliga el Tipo
    Frame Only With Graphic
  • Cantidad: set(s) Costo Total : $434
  • Peso de Envio: 133.1lb (60.48kg) freightFlete

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. 10ft curved Pop Up Display with magnetic connections. Magnetic panels to combine a whole unity. Magnetic connections can be more convenient.


. Curved aluminum frame with magnetic connections
. 21 magnet bars
. 12 plastic strips
. 27.6m magnet tape
. 6 PVC panels
. Hard plastic case

This trade show display is the attractive mural backdrop for exhibit booths. It's ten-foot wide and fit neatly into most trade show booths. This pop up display is easy to assemble. Users expand the truss simply by pulling it open. The display frame then latch in place after you connected the magnetic blocks. Assembling the unit will take less than 10 minutes! The trade show display is very vibrant and attractive. This pop up exhibit includes a molded hard plastic case. This trade show display case features built in wheels for easy transport of booth materials. The carrying case makes this unit perfect for those users on the go.

This "pop up display", also known as exhibit booth, is perfect for presenting 10ft wide graphics at trade shows, conventions and exhibitions.

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10ft Curved Pop Up Display-Magnetic Connections

10ft Curved Pop Up Display-Magnetic Connections

$369 - 434/set

Min. Order : 1 set

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