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440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines
  • 440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines
  • 440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines
  • 440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines
  • 440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines
  • 440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines
  • 440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines

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440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines

   |   225 Transacciones

Codigo del articulo:ACC-ROL-320

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440ml Refill Ink Cartridge for Roland Inkjet Printer Machines
Printer compatibility:
Almost All Roland Inkjet Printer Machines
Feature: This kind of cartridge doesn't need funnel, and you can fill the ink from the ink bottle directly.
Manufacturer: Ving parts

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Have not placed order as you have not answered question that has been asked four times and still no answer. WHAT SIZE is neck 30mm or 40mm,. Will NOT order wrong parts so want t make sure am going to order correct part. Please provide item description !!.. In picture left is 30mm and right is 40mm. What size is the one on your cartridges please?
By vipsigns151 from Brunei Apr 08,2023
hi , diameter of the neck on cartridge is 30mm ,any more question ,please email me :overseas07@sign-in-china.com
Por Sign-in-china Apr 10,2023
Hello Please can you show measurement of neck on cartridge There is a lot of confusion of neck size Please see picture attached Are your the SHORT NECK measurement is The two sizes are 30 mm or 40 mm Thanks
By vipsigns151 from Brunei Apr 06,2023
could you provide order number ?here is my email:overseas07@sign-in-china.com
Por Sign-in-china Apr 07,2023
your cartridge has a long neck or just a short neck? please see attached image i need a long neck to attached ink bottle
By Sison Jr. from Nicaragua Aug 08,2020
Hello dear friend, How long is the neck? Can you measure it?
Por Sign-in-china Aug 12,2020
By ABU Jan 18,2018

Dear Friend,thanks for your question.Yes,we have it.Please find it in below link.


Por Sign-in-china Jan 18,2018
Hello how are you? Do you also have the empty ink bottle that is attached on top?
By leandroekazuo from Honduras Aug 04,2017

 Dear Friend,thanks for your question.Sorry we don't have the empty ink bottle.Sorry for cannot help you.

Por Sign-in-china Aug 07,2017
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