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Movable Screen Printing Material Rack Silk Screen Printing Equipment
  • Movable Screen Printing Material Rack Silk Screen Printing Equipment
  • Movable Screen Printing Material Rack Silk Screen Printing Equipment

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Movable Screen Printing Material Rack Silk Screen Printing Equipment


Codigo del articulo:SPM-TJ-SPE2016GJJ

  • Precio Unitario : $ 253 - 287/set   (Aviso de Descuento)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (sets) Descuento Amount/set
      1. 1 0% $287
      2. 2 - 5 5% $273
      3. 6 - 10 10% $258
      4. 11 - 20 12% $253
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
  • Cantidad: set(s) Costo Total : $287
  • Peso de Envio: 84.7lb (38.5kg) freightFlete

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Mobile Type Screen Printing Material Rack Aluminum Frame Rack/Squeegee Rack/Ink Rack/Spatulas Shovel Handle Knife Rack. The table of THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE Squeegees, inks, spatulas and screens. They are only used for illustration.

1. Screen frames placed area: can also place screen frames: 8.The screen frame and a length of 65 cm (25 inches) the width of 45 cm (18 inches), each layer of the rack height of 5.5 cm (2 inches); 8 layers, the length and width of the screen can be placed in size (diameter) 65 cm (25 inches) and 42 cm (17 inches)within the various screen; such as screen too small, on each shelf on a layer of wood or cardboard as a plate placing screen.
2. Place the area: squeegee frame and a length of 9 cm (3.5 inches); the width of 26 cm (10 inches); each layer of the rack height of 3.7 cm (1.5 inches); 12 layers; can also place the squeegee length of 26 cm (10 inches) above the squeegee 12. (such as the squeegee is too small, can be in on every shelf on a layer of wood or cardboard as a plate placed squeegee)
3. Steel spatulas placed area: the top platform area has 8 4.5 cm long; steel spatulas 0.3 cm wide inserting hole; and placed 8 to various sizes of the Steel Spatulas .
4. Printing ink or paste modulation and display areas: the area (excluding the Steel Spatulas inserting hole area) 63 cm long; 40 cm wide; and placed 10 cm in diameter and 24 cans of printing materials
5. Mobile Type Screen Printing Material Rack at the bottom there are four two inch universal with brake casters; can move any direction in the work area.

This product has applied for national patent This product is required by the set of screen printing operation of the scraper, ink and other materials and tools as one of the movable tool material rack; strong practicability, convenient operation, improve work efficiency
1.The screen, the screen printing products to put screen frame squeegee steel spatulas and ink from the shelf to the tool frame 2.The printing of all ink, thinner or pigment paste, placed in the hanging storage area adjustment; and modulation printing materials directly in the area
3.The table of the tool holder is moved to the position corresponding to the printing machine on the installation screen -----placed printing materials placed scraper 4.Printing
5.After the completion of printing, the screen, then placed the scraper tool frame, move to the network box, scraper, inking knife cleaning again after placed into the tool frame 6,Mobile tool racks to rearrange the shelf warehouse area.

1. The product size: 85 cm long (33 inches); width of 80 cm (31 inches); 80 cm (31 inches)
2. Package size: 76 cm long (30 inches), width of 46 cm (18 inches), 18 cm (7 inches)
3. Packaging volume: 0.06 cubic meters
4. Net Weight:30KG(66lb)
5. Gross Weight:38.5KG(84.9lb)

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