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33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)
  • 33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)

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33.5" x 78.7" New Removable Fabric Tension LED Light Box Portable Trade Show Display (Double Graphics Included)

Quick Installation & Stable & Durable


Codigo del articulo:SIC-HTP-LB-DD

  • Precio Unitario : $ 444 - 493/pc   (Aviso de Descuento) (Tiempo entrega 48-68 días)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (pcs) Descuento Amount/pc
      1. 1 - 3 0% $493
      2. 11 - 20 5% $468
      3. 4 - 10 2% $483
      4. 21 - 50 10% $444
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
  • Cantidad: pc(s) Costo Total : $493
  • Peso de Envio: 46.2lb (21kg) freightFlete

  • Submit your order online to get membership points, a proforma invoice will be sent to you after you submit the order.
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fabric light box with patented technology, quick and easy assembly
The company that has been known for innovation in design of tension fabric displays from the very beginning, introduces their latest breakthrough in LED light box technology. 
The double-sided light box utilizes ultra bright LED light bars, which attach to the light box extrusion with simple thumb screws and plug together to create bright, even lighting out both sides, doubling your marketing messages. 
Assembly is quick and easy and, because there are no bulky light panels, these light boxes break down and store in one case, offering considerable savings on shipping and drayage costs.

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Dear Business Customers:
Sign-in-China is the world s NO.1 online wholesale supplier for advertising & signage products. Diversified products meet your different purchase demands, We offer free samples or brochures to make your business boom, our high quality professional B2B service team are waiting for you:

● Printers ● Agencies ● Signage ● Displays ● Marketeers

If you would like to expand your business with quality portable display solutions, please contact us directly.
You can also click here to learn more.


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www.sign-in-guatemala.com. es el mayor proveedor en línea de productos de publicidad en el mundo y especializados en el suministro de una solución integral para los clientes al seleccionar equipos de Publicidad, materiales de consumo articulos publicitarios, productos de publicidad, etc. También el centro de servicio en el extranjero autorizado por la Asociación China de impresión, de inyección de tinta, para lo cual hemos establecido sucursales en el extranjero, en 6 países extranjeros con el fin de brindar un mejor servicio a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo. Nuestros productos cubren todo el campo de la Publicidad y la señalización y todos los productos que suministramos se hacen de conformidad con las normas internacionales de calidad, como resultado de que, en la actualidad, tenemos más de 9000 productos en línea para la venta. Desde que implementamos la compra centralizada, todos los productos se cotizan a precios competitivos.