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Compatible Epson Stylus Pro 4800/7800/9800 Dye Ink
  • Compatible Epson Stylus Pro 4800/7800/9800 Dye Ink
  • Compatible Epson Stylus Pro 4800/7800/9800 Dye Ink

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Compatible Epson Stylus Pro 4800/7800/9800 Dye Ink

Codigo del articulo:HSI-EPI198100

  • Precio Unitario : $ 8.27 - 11.82/L

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (L) Descuento Amount/L
      1. 160 0% $11.82
      2. 161 - 240 11% $10.52
      3. 241 - 360 25% $8.87
      4. 361 - 520 30% $8.27
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
    Local Pickup and Delivery Service
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  • Cantidad: L Costo Total : $236
  • Peso de Envio: 2.6lb (1.2kg) freightFlete

Buyer Protection

Printer Model: For EPSON 2400/PRO 3800/4800/7800/9800 eight color printers.



• Made of imported premium raw material.
• Colophony encapsulated technology assures good scratch resistance.
• Superior image quality at reasonable price.
• Good resistance to light and water.
• Wide media compatibility.
• No clogging of Print Head.
• High color saturation, accurate color restoration, wide color range.
• 1000ml/bottle.

Warm tips:
Please clean ink system and heads all-round before you change our compatible ink, or it will be blocked up. We will not assume such responsibility.


• Newly-developed light-resistant dye ink for EPSON 2400/PRO 3800/4800/7800/9800etc eight color printers.
• Preferred choice for Digital Image & Digital Printing field.
• Light-resistant& lasting.

Storage Conditions:

Sealed, keep away from sunshine, under 5-25℃ for 12 months。

Along with the premium bulk inks, we provide a whole set of technical solution to tell you how to reset the chip and refill the cartridges.


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¿Que cantidad tiene cada frasco?
By Peña Carrasco from Brunei Jul 12,2019
Dear Peña $11.13 per bottle, if you buy more than 24 bottles is $9.91 per bottle. The more you buy, the cheaper each bottle is. It's specification is 1000ml per bottle.
Por Sign-in-china Jul 12,2019
Hi. Is This ítem compatible with Epson 11880?
By Bernal from Slovakia Feb 26,2018

 Thanks for your inquiry, this ink only for  for EPSON 2400/PRO 3800/4800/7800/9800etc eight color printers.

Por Sign-in-china Feb 27,2018
Hi, is this Ink compatible with Epson Stylus Pro 4000?
By aljohnnyc from Brunei Dec 01,2017

 This is For EPSON 2400/PRO 3800/4800/7800/9800 eight color printers. can't for Epson Stylus Pro 4000

Por Sign-in-china Dec 01,2017
MK is in the description. MK does not appear to be orderable. Should I just order K for MK application? I am interested in using in a stylus 4000 pro.
By wheelerfam from Brunei Jan 18,2016

 Hello dear friend,

Thanks for your inquiry , sorry to tell you that  Epson Stylus Pro 4800/7800/9800 have no MK color , you can order K instead, if other question, pls email :overseas22@sign-in-china.com



Por Sign-in-china Jan 19,2016
Hi, what is the difference with pigment ink which is cheaper. thanks Roland
By biloupuce from Serbia May 12,2014
Dear Sir, they applied with different materials . Dye ink is cheaper. Sincerely thanks.
Por Sign-in-china May 12,2014
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