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1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing
  • 1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing
  • 1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing
  • 1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing
  • 1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing
  • 1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing
  • 1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing
  • 1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing

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1 Liter Water-base Reactive Dye Inkjet Ink for Textile Fabric Printing

Codigo del articulo:DTI-INK-IMAI01

  • Precio Unitario : $ 28.27 - 33.66/L (Tiempo entrega 69-89 días)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (L) Descuento Amount/L
      1. 80 0% $33.66
      2. 81 - 140 7% $31.30
      3. 141 - 200 12% $29.62
      4. 201 - 300 16% $28.27
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
  • Por favor ingresa la Cantidad:

    C M Y K
  • Total Quantity : L Costo Total : $0
  • Peso de Envio: 2.6lb (1.2kg) freightFlete

  • Submit your order online to get membership points, a proforma invoice will be sent to you after you submit the order.
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This reactive ink is compatible with Mimaki, Epson, Roland, Mutoh and other printers using Piezo Electric print heads, Epson DX4/DX5/TFP. It is mainly suitable for materials of fabrics (Cotton、Liene、Rayon、Silk、Wool, etc.)in the digital printing and dying industry.
2.Mimaki JV5 may printing this fabric ink.

•Color: Y M C K,But we can provide ten-color scheme, C\M\Y\K\R\OR\B\GY\LC\LM.
•Better Control the hydrolysis of reactive dyes,
•The balance between Printhead printing life and adhesion ability.
•Distributing smoothly on the surface without dye-disporting. 
•Without clogging to Print Head
•Have different fixation rates on different textile. 
•The coordination among ink formula, fastness and environmental certifications.

This reactive ink is mainly suitable for materials of fabrics,such as Cotton、Liene、Rayon、Silk、Wool, etc.

Warm tip: 
At least 20L per color given by factory, please do not order if your order is less than 20L per color.
Please clean ink system and heads all-round before you change our compatible ink, or it will be blocked up. We will not assume such responsibility.


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