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Comprehensive Gallery Wrapped Canvas Painting Bracket Supply
  • Comprehensive Gallery Wrapped Canvas Painting Bracket Supply
  • Comprehensive Gallery Wrapped Canvas Painting Bracket Supply
  • Comprehensive Gallery Wrapped Canvas Painting Bracket Supply
  • Comprehensive Gallery Wrapped Canvas Painting Bracket Supply
  • Comprehensive Gallery Wrapped Canvas Painting Bracket Supply

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Comprehensive Gallery Wrapped Canvas Painting Bracket Supply

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   |   104 Transacciones

Codigo del articulo:PF-FL-1

  • Precio Unitario : $ 3.38 - 3.84/set   (Aviso de Descuento) (Tiempo entrega 8-15 días)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (sets) Descuento Amount/set
      1. 20 0% $3.84
      2. 21 - 30 5% $3.65
      3. 31 - 40 10% $3.46
      4. 41 - 50 12% $3.38
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
  • Por Favor Eliga el Tipo

  • Cantidad: set(s) Costo Total : $3.84
  • Peso de Envio: 1.0lb (0.45kg) freightFlete

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Frameless painting is a new product, it is got rid of the shackles of traditional paintings' border, meet the simple standard of publics. Our main customers are some of the studios, to help them develop new frameless painting business. The users only need to purchase our bracket and installed with their own pictures, then they got the DIY paintings.

The advantages of frameless painting lath:

• Less deformation, less warpage
• High flexural strength and impact strength
• Excellent physical properties, uniformly materials, without Dehydration problems


Preparation of materials:
Pictures (photographic paper, canvas, high-precision wove photographic paper, cross stitch, etc.), Frame Kit (contains wooden frame lath x4, trapezoid inserts x4, U-shaped nail x4), and a utility knife.

Step1. Turn over the picture, put  the four wooden frame laths on the picture. As shown in figure (corner to corner, narrow side inward, wide-side outward and coincide with edge of the picture,) make sure the size of picture is correct.

Step2. Fixed the wooden frame laths with yellow tape, keep the relative position of the picture and wooden frame laths.

Step3. Turn the wooden frame laths erected and remove the back-paper of double-side tape, keep the position, press laths to tightly-stick the picture; the other three sides in the same way.

Step4. Turn the wooden frame laths erected; fold the angle section of picture into the middle of two laths, fixed the laths with U-shaped nails; the other three corner in the same way.

Step5. Embedded the four trapezoid inserts in the groove of four corners respectively.


Installation schematic on hard cement wall:

Step1. Install the no trace nail: up on the hooks of nail, selecting a proper position of the wall, and then gently knock the nail into the wall with hammer. 
Step2. Install the frameless painting: hanging the painting on the nail, move around to adjust the balance; if there are multi-paintings, you may need to accurately measure the position of nails.


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what is the depth of the canvas?
By Mayo from Brunei May 11,2019

depth1mm canvas is available in Painting Bracket Supply,any more question ,please email me :overseas07@sign-in-china.com 

Por Sign-in-china May 13,2019
Does the Canvas print come with the frames? Or do I provide that?
By Williams from Brunei Oct 04,2016

Hi friend, many thanks for your question, the quotation incliding wooden frame, for more conceerns, welcome email to overseas03@sign-in-china.com, thanks.

Por Sign-in-china Oct 08,2016
I would like to know how to translate the sizes into inches of the frames
By Williams from Brunei Aug 18,2016

Hi friend, many thanks for your question, 1cm equal to 0.39inch, for the frames size, pleaase check the details with different specification, thanks.

Por Sign-in-china Aug 18,2016
É possível comprar apenas a armação? Sem a impressão? Caso afirmativo, qual valor? ou aonde encontro este produto? Grato! No aguardo...
By arthurgustavo from Chile Aug 02,2016

Q:Can we purchase only the frame? Without printing? If so, what value?Grateful! Awaiting

A:Hi friend, many thanks for your question, only frame is available from us, for more details welcome E-mail to overseas03@sign-in-china.com, thanks. Oi amigo, muito obrigado por sua pergunta, apenas a armação está disponível a partir de nós, para obter mais detalhes bem-vindos e-mail para 03@sign-in-china.com no exterior, obrigado.

Por Sign-in-china Aug 02,2016
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www.sign-in-guatemala.com. es el mayor proveedor en línea de productos de publicidad en el mundo y especializados en el suministro de una solución integral para los clientes al seleccionar equipos de Publicidad, materiales de consumo articulos publicitarios, productos de publicidad, etc. También el centro de servicio en el extranjero autorizado por la Asociación China de impresión, de inyección de tinta, para lo cual hemos establecido sucursales en el extranjero, en 6 países extranjeros con el fin de brindar un mejor servicio a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo. Nuestros productos cubren todo el campo de la Publicidad y la señalización y todos los productos que suministramos se hacen de conformidad con las normas internacionales de calidad, como resultado de que, en la actualidad, tenemos más de 9000 productos en línea para la venta. Desde que implementamos la compra centralizada, todos los productos se cotizan a precios competitivos.