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Ving Tools Blade Holder for Roland Vinyl Cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM
  • Ving Tools Blade Holder for Roland Vinyl Cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM
  • Ving Tools Blade Holder for Roland Vinyl Cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM
  • Ving Tools Blade Holder for Roland Vinyl Cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM
  • Ving Tools Blade Holder for Roland Vinyl Cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM
  • Ving Tools Blade Holder for Roland Vinyl Cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM
  • Ving Tools Blade Holder for Roland Vinyl Cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM

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Ving Tools Blade Holder for Roland Vinyl Cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM

Brand new blade holder, aluminum alloy material, good quality and no deformation!

   |   1049 Transacciones

Codigo del articulo:CS-ROLAND-BH465

  • Precio Unitario : $ 7.39 - 9.85/pc   (Aviso de Descuento) (en existencia)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (pcs) Descuento Amount/pc
      1. 1 - 5 0% $9.85
      2. 6 - 20 12% $8.67
      3. 21 - 50 20% $7.88
      4. 51 - 100 25% $7.39
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
  • Por Favor Eliga el Tipo
    46.5mm 55mm 56mm 56.5mm 60mm
  • Cantidad: pc(s) Costo Total : $9.85
  • Peso de Envio: 0.0lb (0.014kg) freightFlete

  • Ship out within 24 hours(Working time: Monday to Friday)  Enviar hacia fuera en el plazo de 24 horas (Tiempo de trabajo: De lunes a viernes).

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Blade Holder for roland vinyl cutter, 46.5mm Length, OEM
Brand new blade holder, aluminum alloy material, good quality and no deformation!


• Adopted imported high-quality aluminum alloy and imported resin material, and produced by  elaborate machines;
• High precision, durable and extra long life;
• High quality copper bearing, through precision grinding, not easy to wear during use.

• Diameter(Clamp): 11.5mm
• Diameter(Blade): 2mm
• Length(Clamp to down): 25mm
• Overall Length: 46.5mm


Used for:
This blade holder fits Roland cutters / plotters blade, diameter 2mm.

High quality copper bearing, through precision grinding, inner race is thicker than ordinary blade holder bearing, high wear resistance and not easy to make the blade concentric circles deviation or knife jumping and other adverse circumstances. Poor quality copper bearing, inner race is too thick, easy to wear, prevents the blade from working normally, unevenly pressing letters, rotten angle, knife jumping and other adverse circumstances.

• Do not extend the knife point too long, the extended length should be within 0.5 mm. 
• When cutting small letters, you can extend the knife point longer to avoid carved strokes being took away by blade holder on self-adhesive tape. 
• If there is something wrong with blade holder, try to drop some motor oil in the bearings, and then you can insert the blade and rotate to lubricate. If you still can not solve the problem, you may consider replacing a new knife holder.

Using Guide:
• It works perfect if cutting blades stretch out not too long but within 0.5mm.
• When cutting small letters, cutting blade could stretch out a little bit longer.
• Dropping oil on the bearing inside the blade holder is a good way of maintenance.


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Hello - Will this fit my Roland XC-540 printer/cutter? What size do I need - 45.5?
By sales from Brunei Jan 12,2017

 Thank you for your question ! this parts produced for the vinyl cutter made in China , we never test it on Roland XC 540 . But you can try , it is so cheap . have a nice day !

Por Sign-in-china Jan 13,2017
HI this metal holder is for Roland GX and CX-24 but for the Roland GS-24 doesn't match. Do you have metal holder for Roland GS-24 please? best regards Sam Please give me e-mail or contact info manufacture, because there's difference. I bought from your website, but for the Roland GS-24 doesn't match look the picture!!!!! Look the picture!!!!!!! best regards Sam
By info from Italy Feb 02,2016

Dear friend,many thanks for your question,before buying,please notice carefully about the printer type,that is very important.Very regret,we can not provide holder for Roland GS-24.

Por Sign-in-china Feb 04,2016
HI this metal holder is for Roland GX and CX-24 but for the Roland GS-24 doesn't match. Do you have metal holder for Roland GS-24 please? best regards Sam
By info from Italy Jan 23,2016
Thank you for your question, please choose the proper spare parts from our online shop by yourself . http://www.sign-in-china.com/catalogs/286/cutter_blades_blade_holders.html . have a nice day !
Por Sign-in-china Jan 25,2016
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