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Ving Tools 45 Degree Pcut Vinyl Cutter Blades, 5pcs/pack
  • Ving Tools 45 Degree Pcut Vinyl Cutter Blades, 5pcs/pack

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Ving Tools 45 Degree Pcut Vinyl Cutter Blades, 5pcs/pack

Suitable for Pcut Cutting Plotter, good abrasion resistance, high durability.

   |   589 Transacciones

Codigo del articulo:RCCB-PCUT45-C

  • Precio Unitario : $ 5.91 - 6.57/pack   (Aviso de Descuento) (Tiempo entrega 8-15 días)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (packs) Descuento Amount/pack
      1. 1 - 5 0% $6.57
      2. 6 - 20 5% $6.24
      3. 21 - 50 8% $6.04
      4. 51 - 100 10% $5.91
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
  • Por Favor Eliga el Tipo
    30 Degree 45 Degree 60 Degree
  • Cantidad: pack(s) Costo Total : $6.57
  • Peso de Envio: 0.0lb (0.015kg) freightFlete

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• Knifepoint is made from ultrafine grain size Zhuzhou cemented carbide;
• Higher hardness, greater strength, good abrasion resistance and good durability;
• 30°, 45°and 60°are in different color;
• Good sharpness, will not damage your material;
• The cutting speed is extremely quick with extra long life;
• Domestic topmost hose configuration better protects knifepoint from damage.

Used for:
It can be used for Vinyl Cutter, electronic film cutter proofer, roll to roll cutting machine.

• If you use different cutters or different papers, you should adjust the extended length of the knife point. When finish adjustment,you can test the effect.                                    
• Do not extend the knife point too long, otherwise you will pierce through the backing sheet thereby shorten the service life of cutter blades and mound layer. 
• When cutting ordinary post-its, the extended length of the knife point should be within 0.55 mm.

The major difference for blades of different angles is cutting depth.
• 30° (Yellow) is great for small and fine designs, and is generally used for cutting quite small words, its knife point is rather sharp;
• 45°(Red) is commonly used in general designs, self-adhesive sticker, PVC, reflective film and post-its, which is very practical.
• 60°(Blue) is great for large designs, reflective film and other material. 

Commonly used in cutting reflective film, CAD diagram, 3M reflective film, mobile phones beauty paste, etc.

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Ola. Essa lamina serve para o ploter FOISON C48l?
By gomes from Chile Jun 20,2017

Oi, ele pode ser usado para cortador de vinil, cortador de filme eletrônico proofer, máquina de corte de rolo para rolo.

Hi,It can be used for vinyl cutter, electronic film cutter proofer, roll to roll cutting machine.

Por Sign-in-china Jun 20,2017
Serve para GCC Expert 24?
By Nascimento Dec 11,2015
Sorry friend,it is only suitable for Pcut vinyl cutter.
Por Sign-in-china Dec 14,2015
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