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36"(0.914m*30m) Printing Media Solvent PET Steel Roll Film Magnetic Receptive
  • 36"(0.914m*30m) Printing Media Solvent PET Steel Roll Film Magnetic Receptive
  • 36"(0.914m*30m) Printing Media Solvent PET Steel Roll Film Magnetic Receptive

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36"(0.914m*30m) Printing Media Solvent PET Steel Roll Film Magnetic Receptive

   |   542 Transacciones

Codigo del articulo:SIC-FF-SOL-CT340-914

  • Precio Unitario : $ 211 - 222/roll (en existencia)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (rolls) Descuento Amount/roll Amount/M2
      1. 1 - 5 0% $222 $8.10
      2. 6 - 10 2% $218 $7.95
      3. 11 - 20 4% $213 $7.77
      4. 21 - 30 5% $211 $7.70
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
    Local Pickup and Delivery Service
  • Por Favor Eliga el Tipo
    36" 42" 50" 54" 60" 64"
  • Cantidad: roll(s) Costo Total : $222
  • Peso de Envio: 25.2lb (11.47kg) freightFlete

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• Flexible and printable magnetic receptive material.
• Suitable for solvent and eco-solvent printer.
• Multi-layers which adsorb three layer pictures.
• Produce from environmentally friendly materials.

Warm Tips:
This product is NOT a magnet. It is made for attracting magnets but does not have any pulling power of its own.

• Speedy installation of any size
• Easy to print
• Anyone can install and change picture without trainning
• Extremely lightweight, easy to carry
• Easy to move and change, the best solution for loads of ad
• Can be easily placed on magnetic boards
• Good holding power and stability, perfect for POP in shops when match with magnetic boards

 Saving cost of transportation and labor.
 Repeated use. Saving the cost of advertising. Do not need to repeat print.
 Provide more advertising creativity.
 Can be used for many years under the security environment.
 The solution to the problem of high transport costs, wasting installation time, high labor costs of installation which are caused by changing advertising pictures frequently is perfect.




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