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Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)
  • Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)
  • Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)
  • Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)
  • Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)
  • Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)
  • Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)
  • Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)
  • Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)

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Frameless Fabric LED Light Box (External light Graphic only)

High Quality Printing and Making Team, Ship Out within 2 Business Days

   |   5 Transacciones

Codigo del articulo:SIC-HTP-LB-1

  • Precio Unitario : $ 18.06/sq.m   (Aviso de Descuento)

  • Cantidad: sq.m(s) Costo Total : $18.06
  • Peso de Envio: 0.4lb (0.16kg) freightFlete

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Vedio of Installation:

Lightweight & Portable
Silicone Edge Fabric is easier to ship and store than traditional signage applications. Folded neatly, fabric takes up much less space than a rigid substrate.  The framing system is simple making it easy to disassemble and transport.

Environmental friendly
All printing and assembling process is absolutely environmental-friendly ,including the ink ,printers and all the materials used to making this light box, kinds of fabric optional for different needs from the customers :waterproof, heat-resistant ,anti-fold, easy to clean and so on .Impossible is nothing just because you want it.

Visual Impact

The graphics printed for the frameless light box provide a rich, vibrant color quality that is second to none. Printed on a premium Backlit Fabric media with enhanced image resolution technology ensures true color and density for a quality that is unmatched in backlit fabric signage.

Ease of Assembly
Frameless Light Boxes are very easy to assemble and disassemble, making them convenient to transport.  There are only a few steps needed to assemble a Frameless Light Box.  First, the sturdy aluminium frame is constructed using a simple connector system that fasten the sides together. The LED light modules then slide into the side grooves and tighten using screws and an allen wrench. Lastly, the backlit fabric is stretched taught and tucked into the frame’s groove. Easy as that!

Easy 3 Steps to Custom Made Your Light Box:

The resolution of the image should be among 72-150dpi(could be higher)
Color type: CMYK

We have the advanced printing machines for different usages, including Vutek, Seiko, HP, Mimaki, Roland, Mutoh printers, etc.

Italy ink applied, which makes even the pure black look perfect. 

Details of Fabric:



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Hi, Can we just have the printing for our existing frame. We are exhibition company and have to print quality image on fabric and silicon edging around for our clients. Please quote per square rates and air freight to Auckland, Nea Zealand.
By displayplus Jun 21,2018

 Hi friend, many thanks for your inquiry, we can provide fabric tendison display, light box graphic, roll up banner sthand and flag banner. Graphic only is ok, for more details, welcome E-mail to overseas03@sign-in-china.com, thanks.

Por Sign-in-china Jun 21,2018
what do i get from a square meter?
By Info.appletz from Philippines Sep 21,2015

Hi friend, many thanks for your question, you will get 1 square meter fabrice graphic, please advice the depth of the slot, thanks.

Por Sign-in-china Sep 22,2015
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www.sign-in-guatemala.com. es el mayor proveedor en línea de productos de publicidad en el mundo y especializados en el suministro de una solución integral para los clientes al seleccionar equipos de Publicidad, materiales de consumo articulos publicitarios, productos de publicidad, etc. También el centro de servicio en el extranjero autorizado por la Asociación China de impresión, de inyección de tinta, para lo cual hemos establecido sucursales en el extranjero, en 6 países extranjeros con el fin de brindar un mejor servicio a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo. Nuestros productos cubren todo el campo de la Publicidad y la señalización y todos los productos que suministramos se hacen de conformidad con las normas internacionales de calidad, como resultado de que, en la actualidad, tenemos más de 9000 productos en línea para la venta. Desde que implementamos la compra centralizada, todos los productos se cotizan a precios competitivos.