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6.6ft W x 8.4ft H Modular Trade show Display Fabric Tension Back Wall-C2
  • 6.6ft W x 8.4ft H Modular Trade show Display Fabric Tension Back Wall-C2
  • 6.6ft W x 8.4ft H Modular Trade show Display Fabric Tension Back Wall-C2

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6.6ft W x 8.4ft H Modular Trade show Display Fabric Tension Back Wall-C2


Codigo del articulo:SIC-BC-C2

  • Precio Unitario : $ 119 - 140/pc   (Aviso de Descuento) (Tiempo entrega 8-15 días)

    Precio de Mayoreo :
    • Cantidad (pcs) Descuento Amount/pc
      1. 1 - 5 0% $140
      2. 6 - 20 8% $129
      3. 21 - 100 10% $126
      4. 101 - 500 15% $119
    • ¿Necesitas más cantidades, por favor haga clic en Pedido al mayoreo
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  • Cantidad: pc(s) Costo Total : $140
  • Peso de Envio: 15.0lb (6.8kg) freightFlete

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6.6ft W x 8.4ft H Modular Trade show Display Fabric Tension Back Wall-C2

Easy 4 Steps to Custom Made Your Trade Show Displays:

Artwork Guidance & Requirement
Design Template

Please exactly follow our artwork requirement in "PDF"tag. Especially all the fonts in the file need to be changed to outlines.

Modular tradeshow is a versatile, reconfigurable exhibit system. Booth solutions pre-defined can reconfigure easily as individual banners with no extra parts, pieces or packaging. Booth solutions kits are comprised of various aluminum tube frame banners with unique curves, shapes and corners. Frames feature printed pillowcase fabric graphics that slip over easily and zip at the bottom. Linking clips connect the frames together at a 180-degree angle and universal feet connect the tube frames at the bottom. Displays come in durable, portable carry bags and optional expandable cases are available as an upgrade.

Standard sized C series Fabric Banners feature unique angles and shapes, are portable and easy to assemble. Choose from different frame shapes and connect to design your own combinations.

Create a display that is uniquely yours! Learn more about ABCD series and how to mix, match and design your own combinations.

Frame Size: 2000mm W x 2557mm H
Graphic Size: 2000mm W x 2580mm H
Packing Size: 285mm X 285mm X 740mm
GW: 6.8kg

Product Features:
- State of the art 32mm curved aluminum tube frame with snap button and spigot assembly
- Easy to assemble, store and ship
- Banner display includes one frame with stabilizing feet, two 180 degree connecting clips, one single-sided zipper pillowcase fabric graphic and one portable carry bag
- Lifetime hardware warranty against manufacturer defects

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I would like to know if the Display Fabric Tension Back Wall-C2 show has its aluminum structure included?
By Mexico from Lesotho Mar 07,2020
Hi friend, many thanks for your inquiry, the banner with aluminum frame, to replace graphic is available, for more concerns, welcome E-mail to overseas03@sign-in-china.com, thanks.
Por Sign-in-china Mar 09,2020
Hello i have 6.6ftW x 8.4ftH Wall-C2, but i need to order only the fabric tension with the design. How can i do? Thank you!!
By Flores from Lesotho Jun 18,2018

 Hi friend, please check the website and choose graphic only will ok, for more concerns, welcome E-mail to overseas03@sign-in-china.com, thanks.

Por Sign-in-china Jun 21,2018
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www.sign-in-guatemala.com. es el mayor proveedor en línea de productos de publicidad en el mundo y especializados en el suministro de una solución integral para los clientes al seleccionar equipos de Publicidad, materiales de consumo articulos publicitarios, productos de publicidad, etc. También el centro de servicio en el extranjero autorizado por la Asociación China de impresión, de inyección de tinta, para lo cual hemos establecido sucursales en el extranjero, en 6 países extranjeros con el fin de brindar un mejor servicio a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo. Nuestros productos cubren todo el campo de la Publicidad y la señalización y todos los productos que suministramos se hacen de conformidad con las normas internacionales de calidad, como resultado de que, en la actualidad, tenemos más de 9000 productos en línea para la venta. Desde que implementamos la compra centralizada, todos los productos se cotizan a precios competitivos.